Thursday, March 13, 2014

What Judaism Has To Say About My Mink Coat

For this weeks blog I read an article called “Tznius’ in Furs: What Judaism Has To Say About My Mink Coat.” The article talked about how in America a fur coat symbolizing making it big! But in Judaism you don’t want to come off to flashy therefore asking the question is fur a good thing or a bad. Personally I did not understand or enjoy reading this article. I found it to be very confusing, it did not get to the point of where Judaism and fur connected until the very end of the article the rest talked about the authors family. Even at the end of the article I was still unsure why the orthodox where real fur?  As for my personally opinion on fur coats, I don’t agree with them. As humans we have the ability to have everything we could ever need and more. If you want something go buy it, if your hungry eat something. But unfortunately animals don’t have it as easy. If they are cold they can’t just put on another layer their fur is their coat. So who are we to take it away from them when there are so many other materials we can use to stay warm. I love fashion as much as the next person but personally I think wearing fur is more tacky then flashy.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you on the article. I felt like it never truly gave me an answer on whether Jewish people were supposed to or not supposed to wear fur. It never really pulled a connection through and just basically sounded like the author wanted to write about fur but was being forced to tie it to Judaism.
